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Welcome to Delaware CoCoRaHS!
Delaware joined the CoCoRaHS program in September of 2009. Since then, over 120 Delawareans have provided precipitation reports to CoCoRaHS, and several of these observers have been with us for over 10 YEARS! We are always looking for more volunteers to help with the program, so sign-up today.

What is CoCoRaHS?
The Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network (or CoCoRaHS) is a grassroots, non-profit, community-based, high-density precipitation-measurement network made up of volunteers from all backgrounds and ages who take daily measurements of precipitation right in their own backyards.  How many times have you said to someone "It poured over there, but my yard only saw a few drops"? Or how many times have we seen it snow half a foot in one part of the state and only 10 miles away, it's just a plain, cold rain? Precipitation can be extremely variable - even in small places like Delaware. That's why it's important to catch every drop (or flake). This is your chance to help. By providing your daily precipitation data, you truly help many folks in Delaware and around the region -- whether it's agricultural interests, National Weather Service meteorologists, forestry officials, water resource managers, or emergency management personnel.

How do I become an observer?
It's easy to sign up to become an observer. You can either click on the 'Join CoCoRaHS' logo on the homepage or go here. Once you've signed up, someone from CoCoRAHS will contact you with all the information (station name, station number and login support) you need to get your station up and running. To participate, you only need a few things:

  • The desire and determination to take daily weather observations as often as your schedule allows
  • A 4" rain gauge and a your CoCoRaHS observer information (e.g., station name, login info, etc.)
  • Training
  • Internet access

Need a rain gauge?
You can purchase an official CoCoRaHS rain gauge from any of the suppliers listed here It's important to purchase an official CoCoRaHS rain gauge because not all precipitation measurements are measured the same way. One of the most important things to do when taking a scientific measurements is to be consistent. By all of us using the same instrument to measure precipitation, we can be consistent in our measurements and allow our observations to be compared to other CoCoRaHS observations more easily.

What sort of training do I need?
To properly set up your rain gauge and to learn how to accurately read your rain gauge, you'll need some training. You can read through the training seminars online -- just click here.

Who do I contact if I have questions?

Kevin Brinson
Delaware CoCoRaHS Coordinator
Center for Environmental Monitoring and Analysis
University of Delaware
125 Academy Street, Room 216
Newark, DE 19716
[email protected]