CoCoRaHS Data Usage Policy


CoCoRaHS is a non-profit, community-based organization encouraging volunteer participation in the measurement and reporting of precipitation (rain, hail and snow). Our mission is to collect and display accurate high-quality precipitation data while providing educational opportunities and experiences for volunteers. The data gathered by volunteer observers through the CoCoRaHS network is freely available to governments, academic institutions and the private sector as well as participants and the general public for the purposes of promoting learning, enhancing scientific knowledge and protecting life and property. CoCoRaHS data are made available to the public via the web site ( In addition, we ask that everyone who uses CoCoRaHS data to please acknowledge its source when displaying it. Unless otherwise noted, all CoCoRaHS content and data are released under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Since CoCoRaHS is a non-profit network supported by donations and grants, the ongoing sustainability of the network depends upon support through both direct and in-kind donations. As we work cooperatively and collaboratively with many organizations, we hope that those using CoCoRaHS data will support the organization by giving back in ways that will benefit and enhance its existence and help continue its ability to provide educational opportunities and critical and timely information on precipitation throughout the country.

Disclaimer: The data are provided "as is", and in no event shall the providers be liable for any damage or loss due to missing data or misinterpretation of its content.