WxTalk #68


Webinar #68 - Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Hunting Hurricanes - Heading Straight into the Eye of the Storm
Warren Madden
NOAA/National Hurricane Center
Miami, FL


Hurricanes are some of the strongest storms on earth, roaring in from the ocean with winds capable of approaching 200 miles an hour, storm surges as high as a two to three story building, and deluges of rain that can be measured in feet. When the warnings go out that a hurricane is approaching, stores are emptied of supplies, countless windows are boarded up, and roadways become jammed as people head out of the storm's path.

But for the men and women of the Air Force Reserve's 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron and NOAA's Aircraft Operations Center, a hurricane isn't something to flee - it's their workplace. In this webinar, Warren Madden will talk about the origins of hurricane hunting, the value of the mission, the aircraft and instruments the squadrons use on their flights, and his experiences flying into storms for over a decade.

View the Webinar by clicking here: https://youtu.be/lqroHs5mttI

View Warren's presentation slides  


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