WxTalk Webinar #25


Webinar #25 - Thursday,  December 5,  2013

Climate Change, Ecology, and Disease Emergence – A Public Health Perspective

Ben Beard
Chief, Bacterial Diseases Branch, Division of Vector-Borne Diseases, NCEZID Centers for Disease Control, Fort Collins, CO


"Vector-borne diseases are diseases that are transmitted by mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. Most of these illnesses are also zoonoses, meaning that they are harbored naturally by wild and sometimes domestic animals. Examples of these diseases include West Nile virus infection, Lyme disease, plague, and rabies. Vector-borne and zoonotic diseases have a strong link to the environment. As environmental conditions change, it is likely that certain diseases will occur in areas where they previously had not been seen.  Likewise, we also expect that these same diseases may become less important in places where they have been of great importance historically. In the U.S., it remains unclear exactly how climate change may impact the distribution and occurrence of existing infectious diseases, as well as the introduction and establishment of exotic disease agents. Research and surveillance that is underway, however, will help address these important questions. The best preparation we can take now to prevent and adapt to emerging infectious disease threats related to climate change is to continue an investment in infectious disease surveillance and maintain a strong public health system so that when diseases occur in new areas, they will be quickly detected and reported, allowing prevention and control activities to be rapidly and effectively mobilized."

View the Webinar by clicking here: http://youtu.be/8WyoaVNJKbY

View Ben Beard's presentation slides (9.8MB)


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CDC's Climate and Health Program