WxTalk Webinar #20


Webinar #20 - Thursday, July 25, 2013

Rainwater Harvesting - Catching and Using It

Billy Kniffen, Vice President and Education Coordinator, American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA), Menard, TX


Contact Billy at: [email protected]

"This month's Webinar will discuss the process used to collect rainwater from a rain barrel to whole house to commercial size installations. We will discuss the sizing requirements, conveyance, collection tanks, per-filtration/screening, and delivering the water when needed by bgoth gravity and pump pressure. We will discuss supply and demand and finally use of rainwater for irrigation, pets, wildlife, water features and in-home potable and non-potable use."

View the Webinar by clicking here:

View Billy Kniffen's presentation slides (14MB)


American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association

Rainwater Harvesting - Texas A&M Agrilife Extension

Rainwater Collection in Colorado

90,400 drops of water = one gallon of water
One inch (1.00") of rainwater over an area of one square foot = 0.6 gallons of water