WxTalk Webinar #13


Webinar #13 -  Thursday, December 13,  2012

Historic Winter Season Weather Events : What's the best of the worst.....

Paul Kocin - NOAA/NWS/Hydrologic Prediction Center, College Park, MD


"Many meteorologists, weather observers, enthusiasts and students are fascinated by weather extremes, whether it be hurricanes, tornadoes and in my case, winter storms. 

In particular, winter storms have driven me for much of my life and have led to a career studying, writing and trying to understand what makes these big storms develop, how well we can forecast them, and what makes them so interesting. While my focus has been on the eastern United States, since that is where I grew up, I would like to present some examples of some of the  biggest winter weather events on record, from the legendary Blizzard of 1888, the Appalachian Storm of November 1950 as well as a brief summary of October 2012's Superstorm Sandy, which morphed from a tropical hurricane to one in which its identity as a hurricane/winter storm was not quite so straight forward with few historical precedents. 

The impacts of these storms make for some compelling stories, both from their huge impacts as well as changes that have occurred in our ability as scientists to forecast them in advance.  These are the stories I'd like to tell.

View the Webinar by clicking here: http://youtu.be/G1N9vxgFffY


Northeast Snowstorms - Paul J. Kocin ,  Louis W. Uccellini